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Kosheen - Guilty

2007.05.03. 11:41 [Sven]

Once upon a time
A spider ate a fly
She almost lost her web
Was biting off his head

I'm not guilty anymore
(You are, you are)
Though it brought me to the ground
(You are, you are)
I'm not angry anymore
(You are, you are)
Never wanted to be found

I've been feeling mighty weak
Since I don't get any sleep
I almost lost the balance
Thank God I found my feet

I'm not guilty anymore
(You are, you are)

Though it brought me to the ground
(You are, you are)
I'm not angry any more
(You are, you are)
Never wanted to be found

The day is dawning for me
Once upon a time
A spider ate a fly
She almost lost her way
Was biting off his head

I'm not guilty anymore
(You are, you are)
Though it brought me to the ground
(you are, you are)
I’m not angry any more
(you are, you are)
Never wanted to be found.

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